
Dr. Juan Ramon Aviles Morales, MD

Dr. Juan Ramon Aviles Morales, MD

Founder and President

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Now we have this evidence to show that we weren’t extinct, we just mixed, and we’re still around.

- Dr. Juan Aviles, The New York Times,
December 23, 2020

A physician by profession, Founder and President of the Council of Native Caribbean Heritage (C.O.N.C.H), Juan Ramon Aviles Morales is passionate about working with the indigenous Caribbean communities to bring awareness to their existence, cultures, and languages. Juan traces his Caribbean roots to the Taino Nation. He is an enrolled member of Guainia Taino of the US Virgin Islands, recognized by the government of the US territory. He has been committed to reviving the Taino language through research interests that include but are not limited to indigenous cultural-linguistic revitalization, community self-improvement, and revival of the Taino Nation culture.

A firm believer in continuous learning and development, Juan holds a BA in Forensic Psychology, a Master of Science in Biology, and a Doctor of Medicine. He has also taken many courses in molecular genetics that have enabled him to better understand complex concepts in Genetic genealogy. As a physician for more than 14 years, Juan is proud to have incorporated traditional healing practices into modern medicine to help save lives and set the tempo for his strong team work ethic.

In his pursuit of federal recognition of the Taino Nation, Juan founded Taino DNA & Genealogy in 2019. However, the need to serve the Caribbean communities and bring more inclusivity led to the birth of C.O.N.C.H., a non-profit genealogical society representing the Caribbean heritage of the First Nations of the Caribbean. C.O.N.C.H provides an online resource platform for intertribal exchanges and learning about indigenous communities. It also seeks to increase dialogue between the various communities from the Caribbean Islands and Central American countries to the countries on the north of South America.

Through the C.O.N.C.H., Juan has brought awareness to the Native Caribbean identity. C.O.N.C.H provides opportunities to help communities that they serve to encourage the youth to pursue a college degree. It also offers grants to support the communities with projects promoting self-sustaining agricultural practices.

A strong team player, Juan has worked with indigenous communities, the Cabécar, and the Bribri, from which he has supported 4 young adults to pursue a college degree, fully funding their education. He has also assisted a traditional healer (Curandero) and leveraged his expertise in modern and traditional medicine to train the next generation of healers. Further, Juan had the unique opportunity of arranging for researchers from Harvard that had sequenced the DNA of ancient remains that pertained to the Taino community to present the findings to representatives of the Taino community. This opportunity led to an interview with a New York Times reporter on the Harvard research article as it pertained to the modern descendants of the Taino, "Ancient DNA Shows Humans Settled Caribbean in 2 Distinct Waves".

Gerald Alexander Lopez Castellanos

Gabriel Rojas Pérez

Vice President

Representing Cuba

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GeraldRojas Pérez Writer and researcher of changui music in Cuba, Graduate in sports and combat techniques, Aboriginal descendant of the Rojas Ramírez family, promoter and defender of ancestral customs and traditions, with several postgraduate research and socio-cultural projects in order to improve the ways of life of the Yatera's communities.

In addition to several works on the knowledge and dissemination of the healing properties of Cuban trees, he is the spiritual leader of his community who, due to his work and dedication, chose him as their social delegate. , has been linked to scientific studies to determine the % of the mitochondrial DNA of the people of the Taino community of Cuba. Defender of the Taino culture, its music, customs and traditions.

Linda Maria Ruiz de Zarate Y Ramirez Smith

Aaron Dundas

Vice President

Representing Lokono

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aronDundas, a native Lokono speaker from the Village of Pakuri (St. Cuthbert's Mission), is a dedicated language activist for the Lokono language and the founder of the Academic Council for Lokono-Ajian. A former helicopter pilot, he now serves on the board of the Council of Native Caribbean Heritage (C.O.N.C.H), where he leads the beekeeping project in Pakuri.

Mr. Dundas also translates educational materials for teaching Lokono to the next generation. He has traveled to multiple Lokono villages, striving to unite them in the effort to preserve their critically endangered language.

Levixon Lundi

Roger Richards

Vice President

Member of the Lokono Village of Wakapoa

Levixon Richards is a dedicated member of the Lokono Village of Wakapoa and a former cricketeer. Recently, he was elected to the Village Council, representing Mission Island, one of the 28 islands that constitute Wakapoa village. Roger serves on the board of the Council of Native Caribbean Heritage (C.O.N.C.H), a grassroots community organization of indigenous people focused on revitalizing indigenous languages and engaging external organizations for the community's benefit.

He also leads the Kokorichi farms project in Wakapoa, aiming to establish sustainable chicken and poultry farms for multiple families. Additionally, Roger is the dormitory supervisor at the local boarding school in the village and an active language advocate.